Left brain meets right brain! The sprawling campus of the University of New Mexico, first established in 1889, is only the starting point for exploring this exciting, forever youthful part of Albuquerque. Funky dining, cool shopping, serious grub that will start the day or libations to kick off the evening… it’s all here. UNM acts as the intellectual and artistic hub for much of our state, and a visit to the neighborhood is a “must” for any visitor. The campus is home to Popejoy Hall, one of the great stages in the city, bringing a mix of touring Broadway shows, comedy, live theater, symphony concerts, music from around the world, and dance performances throughout the year. But there are also intriguing nooks to discover throughout the area, where a one-of-a-kind experience will reward the curious.
Across from UNM and Popejoy Hall are several coffee shops, bars, and restaurants, the most famous of which is the landmark Frontier, the place for yummy cheap eats and giant cinnamon buns. You’ll see every walk of life here. Students, concert goers in their fancy evening attire, Sunday morning churchgoers, families, chess players, teenagers, college students and everything in between. These walls can tell stories, and they have for over 50 years. Just south of Central is the main campus of CNM, Central New Mexico Community College, and the stunning, pastoral Isotopes Park, a minor league baseball stadium home to the Albuquerque Isotopes. Check out the talent of up-andcoming baseball players or see the major leaguers who make appearances now and then. Take in the views of the Sandias and the sounds of our national pastime with a green chile cheeseburger. Bringing the family for a perfect afternoon of play ball is not rocket science. The newest and crazy-exciting addition to New Mexico sports scene is our soccer team, New Mexico United, who have sold out their games at Isotopes Park. Represent in your black and yellow United swag and join the familia that is Somos Unidos. Come early for the tailgating. Stay for the game-winning goal, and experience the United camaraderie unlike anything you’ve experienced.